Purina: Arleigh Reynolds and Huslia, Alaska

We’re pleased to announce the release of new work. Our short film collaboration with Zeus Jones and Purina premieres at the Purina Summit in New York City today. 

Dr. Arleigh Reynolds is a champion athlete and researcher in North Pole, Alaska. He is committed to working with the Frank Attla Youth Program in Huslia, Alaska, which pairs at-risk youth with dogs in the village. 

Through curriculum, training and hard work, students reignite a passion for their heritage and learn many valuable life skills in the process, all while bonding with working dogs. The program has helped decrease social issues such as violence, drug use, and teen pregnancy and is credited with improving the emotional wellness of students and elders, alike. 

Arleigh Reynolds is an incredible individual collaborating with a fantastic community. We hope you enjoy the film.


Sloan Science And Film


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